2024 Event Calendar

June 8th @ 9am – Firewise Kick-off

Join the Firewise team for the 2024 season kick-off at the Brazos Canyon Fire Station at 9am.  During this meeting, we will have updates from the District Forester, information on upcoming chipping and mitigation efforts and we will premier our “Clearing Vacant Lots: A Way to Keep us Safe from Wildfires” video. 

Chipping Events

Chipper events in 2024 require online preregistration.  In 2024, there are 2 kinds of events.  June 8th and July 21 are with the BCVFD new mobile chipper and chips will blast onto the owners parcel..  The June 28th and August 3rd events are “haul your own” events at the Fishtail Ranch and the Ranch will dispose of the chips. Click on the dates below for more information on these chipping events and to register.

June 8th – BCVFD Chipping Event – Millstone & Brazos Estates

August 3rd – Chipping Event @ Fishtail Ranch


Brazos, NM

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