Neighbors Working Together To Reduce Wildfire Risk In The Brazos Canyon

What is Firewise?

The Brazos Canyon and the western US have been in a drought for the past twenty-five years.  Even with a wet winter, the potential for a large fire in the Brazos Canyon will continue to increase.

The Brazos River valley ranks high for fire risk because of the large number of homes, people, limited egress, a dense dry forest, steep terrain, and the potential for both high dollar losses and devastating water quality impacts.

The Brazos community received the “Firewise” designation from the National Fire Protection Association. The Firewise program encourages property owners to take individual responsibility for preparing their home from the risk of wildfire. 

Our Mission

The Brazos Firewise team has as its mission to promote “NEIGHBORS WORKING TOGETHER TO CREATE A HEALTHY FOREST GENERATIONS CAN ALSO ENJOY.”  Brazos Canyon and the surrounding communities have been active in Firewise programs but became re-energized this year after learning of the High Fire severity threat in the area.  

With the help of all of our neighbors and the five-year Firewise plan we can make our communities safer.

Brazos, NM

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